Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Glass Of Water
What would you do when life tastes as bland as a glass of water?
Yeah, what would you do?
Hmmm ... I guess I should first ask why?
Wait ... Maybe I should first ask: "Really?"
OK. Really?
Are you sure it hasn't always been like this? Has it ever tasted anything tastier than a glass of plain water?
It sure has. Well ... it should have. Hasn't it? Otherwise, knowing how disgusted I feel right now, it would be darn amazing, no, downright miraculous that I can hang on for forty-odd years.
So, the drink offered has suddenly turned tasteless?
Actually, it's been on and off. Just that so far, the blandness would fade in times. This time round, it's been hanging around for a bit too long. So long that I feel up to the brim with nausea.
Well, taste is relative? Isn't it? Perhaps the taste of the water has always been the same, it's your perception of the taste that's changed?
My perception of the taste?
There is a possibility that the glass of water in front of you has never changed, but depending on your emotion, you would taste sweetness when you're happy, fizziness when you're excited, sourness when you're sad, bitterness when you're disappointed, and bittersweet when you're ... sad and happy at the same time, etc, etc.
That's a thought. So, my boredom towards life at the moment explains the blandness?
Well, that's a load of cow dungs! You stupid donkey!! Of course I'm bored!!! Why would I complain if I'm not.
But that does kill off the 'Really?' question.
Well, that's a load of cow dungs! You stupid donkey!! Of course I'm bored!!! Why would I complain if I'm not.
But that does kill off the 'Really?' question.
So I guess it doesn't matter whether the water does taste bland or it's my perception that makes it so. But why?
Yeah, why?
Yeah, why ...
Hey, guess what?
I feel better already.
So bashing me made you feel better?
Don't be silly. I think talking it out with someone did.
Glad I could be of service. But you do know that, technically, you're talking to yourself, right?
I do. Hey, as long as it helps.
We should do it again. I think you have something there on 'my perception of taste' that's worth further exploring.
In the mean time, go away ...
I'll be seeing you again. Just hope it won't be too soon.
No worries. See ya.
Just human,
Nikon D5100,
Random Thoughts
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Fun In The Tunnel
We were at the local stadium the other day ...
And then my camera was beeping like crazy when we came across this spot ...
Hmmm ...
What can we do here?
OK. Let's warm up.
Now, some serious shots ...
Sumo wrestler!
Kung Fu!
And ...
Lift Off!
And ... that's a wrap.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Look Left, Look Right. Look Up, Look Down.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Numbers In Pink
Friday, July 8, 2011
Before The Sun Rises
Midnight. Darkness.
Bursts, of Brightness.

Something Shiny.

Something Red.

And Something Yellow.
* Inspired by Ann of Ann's Snap Edit & Scrap.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Moon River
"Hi! Whatcha doing?"
A sweet and gentle voice broke my concentration. A voice that has always reminded me of my beloved grandma.
As I turned away from the screen in front of me, my heart was overwhelmed with warmth, seeing a long lost friend.
"Writing," I replied. Well, that's what I call it anyway.
"Been a long time," I sighed. I felt a trace of guilt within me.
"Yeah, too long," she agreed. I was relieved not to sense any tint of resentment in her voice, one so trustworthy and soothing that I could feel the immediate dissipation of all tension and exhaustion away from me.
"C'mon up," she invited.
How could I resist.
Like climbing up the fire escape stairs to her window, I found myself ascending slowly towards her.

Suddenly, the tingling sense of excitement of my first ride years ago came rushing back to me. Although unlike the first, there's no fear diluting the thick of excitement this time.
As I rose higher, the change in the altitude was accompanied by the once familiar change of colours around me.

The harsh darkness ebbed, its void gradually permeated by the flow of gentle purples.

And the gentle purples slowly transcended into the comforting blue.
As I left my worldly bundles further below me, the clearer was the heavenly blue that engulfed me. With a warmth as cool as she, there's no room for any earthly weight in my heart.
A smile slowly curled up on my face, and it culminated into a shout of joy, "Oh, how I miss you!"
When I heard my happiness echoed through the vastness of the sky, I suddenly felt sheepish, "Oops..."
My embarrassment was met with a string of kind and comforting words, "Oh, how I miss you too!"

I felt as light as the floating clouds around us.
"So, tell me what've been going on in the past ten years," she inquired.
I was going on for so long I started to sense the "me, me, me, me, me ...". I then apologetically asked, "And how have you been?"
She smiled, "Oh, I'm fine." She then added, "I've learned a new trick. Want to see?"
"Of course!"
"But you need to shut your eyes three times for this trick to work."
"Brrruu ..." I bursted, my lips didn't open fast enough for my laughter to come out.
Not really sure how to react to the smiley, I remarked, "You're many things, but you're not really a good painter. Hahaha ... "
"Yeah? I thought so too," she smiled.
"Yeah, what for?"
"You know, for dispersing the cloud of negativity," I said.
She smiled. I remembered that knowing smile.
"But surely, you have something better for me," I wasn't entirely satisfied.
"Of course, my dear. But you've got to prepare yourself," she said.
"Ooookay ..." with the biggest smiley face I've ever seen shown moments earlier, I wasn't really sure how to prepare myself this time.
The shine slowly expanded.
The brightness grew brighter and brighter. At a faster and faster pace.
And brighter. And faster.
Brighter. Faster.
Brighter. Faster. Brighter. Faster ...
Eyes ... Open!
As soon as the flares flashed to its brightest, everything fell sharply into darkness.
Total darkness.
Utter silence.
Absolute still.
Trembling. I was trying to take in all that I could feel at that moment.
Then suddenly, a soft glow emerged.
The glow lasted for a few seconds and dropped back into darkness again. She reappeared.
I was overwhelmed by excitement and awe. I was "awe-ver-whelmed" - well, she had the smiley face ...
"Wo! What can I say," a murmur was all that I could manage, "that's like the loudest firework display I've seen, with no sound."
"You could say, 'Awesome'?" she smiled.
"Awesome!" I concurred.
We both laughed.

As the laughter echoed off into the deep boundless space, after the magnificent show, there seemed nothing better to do than gazing into the sea of stars beyond and just ponder.
It seemed we'd been admiring the wonders of the universe forever, but yet, it didn't feel enough when finally her gentle voice broke the silence, "Hey ... time to go."
I paused at the reminder.
"Already?" I was reluctant. But I knew she was right.
Just as slowly as I'd ascended, I descended. My eyes couldn't break away from her, and I could feel her giving me a soft hug.
Then suddenly Frank's voice sailed across the night, "Moon river, wider than a mile ..."
I respect Sinatra, but at that moment, I thought his voice was a bit too strong, "Sinatra?"
"Well, OK. Your choice," she offered.
Without hesitation, I requested, "What about Miss Hepburn?"
"You've got it!"
As Ms Hepburn lulled, my eyes were getting heavier with every word she whispered.
Moon River, wider than a mile.
I'm crossing you in style, some day.
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker,
wherever you're going, I'm going your way.

Two drifters off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same rainbow's end.
Waiting 'round the bend,
my huckleberry friend,

Moon River ...

... and me.
As she faded further and further away, I mumbled, "G'nite ..."
"Good night, my dear ..."
And I fell into complete darkness ...
Whatcha doin'?
Huh ...
"Hey, wake up. Rise and shine, it's good morning."
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